Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition, is a 733-page compilation and assessment of epidemiologic, public health, and clinical data on diabetes and its complications in the United States. It was published by the National Diabetes Data Group of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. The book contains 36 chapters organized in five areas:
Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition has been designed to serve as a reliable scientific resource for assessing the scope and impact of diabetes and its complications, determining health policy and priorities in diabetes, and identifying areas of need in research. The intended audience includes health policy makers at the local and Federal levels who need a sound quantitative base of knowledge to use in decision making; clinicians who need to know the probability that their patients will develop diabetes and the prognosis of the disease for complications and premature mortality; persons with diabetes and their families who need sound information on which to make decisions about their life with diabetes; and the research community which needs to identify areas where important scientific knowledge is lacking.
Each chapter of Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition is a separate PDF (portable document format) file and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it. The Reader can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe Systems, Inc. at http://www.adobe.com/.
Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition--Table of Contents
How to order a printed copy of Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition
More information on National Diabetes Data Group Members
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH