#: 98024 S3/Friends & Family 15-Sep-92 17:20:51 Sb: Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 To: ALL Hi. I'm a new type II. I was diagnosed July 6, along w/ a prostate infection I'm not over yet. I'm 48, in good health, 6' 0", & weighed 185# July 6. My Dr thinks I can control it w/diet and exercise, and he has me on an 1800 cal/day diet using the ADA exchange lists. By today, I'd dropped to 166 1/2#, with only slight withdrawal pangs for having had to give up Oreos forever (I used to eat those things like most people eat popcorn!). I'd like opinions and help, pls. I have always been moody. I can't always control how I feel and I realize I am often an a------ to be around. I understand vaguely that low BG (or is it high or is it both) can contribute to moodiness, and I know that BG can fluctuate during the day on short time frames, relative to eating times. My question is: could I at least partially explain mood swings during the day as being a result of short term (minutes or a few hours) swings in BG levels? Or am I just grasping at straws, looking for 1) a good side to the DM, and 2) any new excuse for being the kind of jerk I am? #: 98094 S3/Friends & Family 15-Sep-92 22:09:24 Sb: #98024-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 Tom, welcome to the Diabetic Curmudgeon's Club. I'm in charge of the Curmudgeons, and, if you don't like it, you can lump it. Otherwise, we'll be electing a new leader this week, and you can run for the office. Anyway, we were just discussing this same subject in two other threads. ("HG Toaster Oven", in this same section (3), and another, called "DM Mood Swings and SOs"). If you're already cranky and crusty, DM probably will, er, illuminate these qualities . In my case, I get nasty when I'm running high for more than an hour or when I swing from high to a little low, real fast. Really low BGs just seem to make me anxious and antic, without being nasty. Have you been able to correlate your moods with particular BGs? #: 98117 S3/Friends & Family 15-Sep-92 23:29:58 Sb: #98024-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 Tom, I can tell you from *personal* experience that when my BG's are on the high side, I can be set off by the *smallest* agitation. It's kind of like being wound tight and anything can set you off. Now, feeling low, that's another story entirely. That feels like being drunk, not knowing how to do anything, dioriented, and the *last* thing you feel like doing is *eating*, but that's what you have to do. *Belver* #: 98162 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 11:41:49 Sb: #98024-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 Tom, You know, you can still eat Oreo's, you just can't eat them like popcorn anymore. But you can work a couple of them into your diet. So you're now 6' at 166 1/2 lbs? You lost those 19.5 lbs. very successfully. You have reason to be pleased with yourself. Sorry to tell you but both low and high BG's can contribute to the "moodiness" you're experiencing. We also have some people reporting that the "drop"-even though they are not "technically" considered hypoglcemic at the level they are- is a contributing factor. This is NOT medical advice understand, just what members have mentioned. Awwww, you don't seem like a jerk. You shouldn't call yourself one. May I ask what your BG's usually run on average? Linda #: 98163 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 11:41:55 Sb: #98094-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, Seeing as you brought it up, I'm feeling very neglected right now as an SO. A.K.A.-The Proverbial Doormat. S'ok though. Thomas made me feel better-as he always does- "Well, you're the cuteset proverbial doormat I've ever seen." It's "nice" to have great friends. In my personal experience, I have also seen the high to be the bigger problem. It's kinda like you said your wife looks in your eyes to see what monster came up from the basement? To me it's like"Get of of this humble abode, NOW, before you lose your life." I'm always walking around kinda' scratching my face and saying "What did I do wrong "this" time?" Eggshells are impossible to walk on. I'd rather walk on hot coals I think ;-) LMW #: 98168 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 12:27:17 Sb: #98162-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 Linda, I used to get a feeling of being *low* when my BG's dropped too *fast* even tho I wouldn't be considered *low*. I asked my doc about it and she told me that it *would* give me the same reaction. With all these variables it's kind of like taking a chance, you *never* really know when you're going to go low, or *feel* like you're going low. *Belver* #: 98198 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 14:54:47 Sb: #98094-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, I've found that I can become VERY irritable when my BG's start going low (<65). I wil snap at people, and generally have NO patience. Oh well! #: 98236 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 17:46:33 Sb: #98168-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 Belver, Like I said, Russian Roulette. LMW #: 98255 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 18:18:59 Sb: #98094-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, Haven't started monitoring BG myself yet, so I can't yet correlate them to mood swings. your msg plus others tend to confirm my suspicion that there is a connection. I appreciate the info. #: 98256 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 18:19:08 Sb: #98117-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 To: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 Belver, Thx for the info. I know what it means about being wound tight. I left for a meeting this afternoon, late and tense and iritable, and I recalled later I had gotten off my eating (midafternoon snack) schedule. Since I don't yet monitor my BG myself, I can't exactly track BG swings vs. mood swings, but your msg and others tend to confirm my suspicion that there is a correlation. #: 98258 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 18:19:20 Sb: #98162-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 (X) So I can really have one or two??? Neato! BTW thx for the encouragement. Your msg plus others tend to support the notion that there is indeed a correlation between swings in BG and in mood. I appreciate the info and the support! #: 98285 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 19:05:12 Sb: #98236-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Marc A Ressler 71201,513 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 FWIW - I've had people tell me that since I started getting my BG under control (which also has resulted in a reduction of aspartame intake and a *severe* reduction of caffein, both of which might also contribute) that I have bitten off very few heads, compared to my dragon like flarings in previos months. -MarC #: 98315 S3/Friends & Family 16-Sep-92 22:43:57 Sb: #98258-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 (X) Thomas, Yeah! You can really have a couple Oreo's if you like. You just need to plan for it. Now you did it! Sorry, it's already been agreed Butterfingers are the 5th food group, Yankee Doodles the 6th. I guess Oreo's just became the 7th! Were you here last week or so when I posted that message about scraping the lard and sugar off with a knife and just basically inhaling the chocolate? Ohhhh..I fear I'm not going to make a "good" diabetic. You wouldn't happen to live by a Carvel ice cream store would you? It really has been a pleasure to have you around. I like the way your attitude comes across in your typing. Now, if really want to have fun, meet us in Conference about 1 A.M. on a Friday or Saturday night. Things get um, er, very interesting. Lots of us here fight like cats and dawgs, but there's never a boring moment, and I don't think most of us would trade each other for the world. Linda #: 98362 S3/Friends & Family 17-Sep-92 08:16:09 Sb: #98285-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: Marc A Ressler 71201,513 Marc, >>I have bitten off very few heads, compared to my dragon like flarings in previous months.<< UH-Huh. I understand. Which is why I'm often in another room reading, or I actually keep my mouth shut. I'd like to keep my head as long as possible :-) Linda #: 98456 S3/Friends & Family 17-Sep-92 17:53:46 Sb: #98163-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 RE: walking on eggshells My wife recognizes the pattern in me now, after many years of frustration on her part. When I just sound like I'm *spoiling* for something to complain about, it's usually hyperglycemia. When I'm anxious and frantic, it's a quick drop in BGs. Fortunately I recognize hypoglycemia coming on, so it probably triggers some self-control that says "don't take it out on others". I get no such feeling when I'm hyperglycemic, until I've p.o.'d somebody. #: 98457 S3/Friends & Family 17-Sep-92 17:53:53 Sb: #98198-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 I think that most people get real snappish when BGs run low, Shawn. As I mentioned to Linda, I think the reason I don't is that I recognize what's going on. #: 98458 S3/Friends & Family 17-Sep-92 17:53:58 Sb: #98255-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 There definitely is a connection between BG levels and moods for most of us, Tom. It's something that can really add to the frustration if you aren't aware of it. #: 98476 S3/Friends & Family 17-Sep-92 18:26:15 Sb: #98456-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Almost ditto here, Ed. Though in my years on human, I lost all feeling for my BG. #: 98617 S3/Friends & Family 18-Sep-92 13:37:36 Sb: #98458-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, It adds to the frustration of the family members when they are aware of it too and sometimes get their bony heads handed to them. LMW #: 98643 S3/Friends & Family 18-Sep-92 16:51:46 Sb: #98456-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, I note you say you recognize hypogly... coming on. I'm new here. Give me an idea what are the keys to look for or recognize. #: 98661 S3/Friends & Family 18-Sep-92 18:24:46 Sb: #98643-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Tom Seeley 71174,1361 The signs of hypglycemia are wide and varied, Tom. There are some good lists around, which I'll try to find and post. Meanwhile, I'll tell you the ones that happen to me: first, I get tired. I recognize the difference between between being "out of steam" from low BGs and just being "tired". I can't tell you, exactly, except that the tiredness from BGs is generally inexplicable from what I've been doing, and it involves some feeling of hunger. Then I start to shake a bit. I may not actually look like I'm shaking, but I feel like I'm shaking inside. This usually is accompanied by a slight loss of balance. I have to be careful walking up or down stairs, at this stage. Then my vision will get a little blurred, and, rarely, I'll get a headache (headache, for me, is more associated with sustained BGs in the 70-80 range. This headache, on the other hand, occurs at around 50 mg/dL.) Hunger usually is quite noticeable at this point, too. My skin gets clammy and I lose a sense of whether I'm hot or cold. Next, I get very confused and feel drugged. My whole awareness is that I'm HG (hypoglycemic), and I get panicky about finding some "fast" food. I'm too confused by now to realize there's usually a ton of it within reach. I'm getting grey spots before my eyes at this stage, and parts of my vision are blocked. Serious anxiety is coming on now, as I realize that I'm getting too confused to figure out what is going on. My whole system is blaring out full-scale alarms. I've never gotten to the next stage, but I know that it's blacking out. None of this is recommended experience. #: 98683 S3/Friends & Family 18-Sep-92 20:52:18 Sb: #98661-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Actually, epileptiform siezures and convulsions may come before or after black out. Honest. #: 98709 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 00:15:58 Sb: #98683-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) RE: Seizures and convulsions may come first Oh, right. What I should have said is that the next step would be one in which I couldn't help myself, maybe convulsions or seizures. Knowing that's coming next causes real panic to set in. Fortunately, I've always managed to catch it first. #: 98743 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 08:01:43 Sb: #98709-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) There used to be a "rule of 30's" that MD's subscribed to, Ed. 30% will have reactions, 30% of them will have a serious reaction, and 30% of them will have regular serious reactions. Unfortunately, that only covered about 30% of the real number! You are, indeed, fortunate if you don't have many reactions, many of us have 1-2 a day and the average of us has 4,000 over the course of being diabetic! Also, and I am compelled to reiterate this, 1 in 25 diabetic deaths is from insulin shock. The US MD's deny this, but the Brits showed it conclusively in a fairly recent Lancet Article. Insulin reaction is the most serious acute complication of diabetes (1 and 2) and one of the easiest to blame on the patient. I always feel guilty when I have a reaction that anyone but me can detect. Stupid, misplaced guilt, but it's always there. #: 98760 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 09:10:25 Sb: #98457-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Will Ryan 71172,2033 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Shawn, like many, I get into uncontrollable anger and sometimes rage when my BG is very high. Sometimes it also happens when I am very hungry. So far, my dear wife still takes it personally, but she's jewish and I think her built in guilt exaserbates the situation. When my BGs are really low, like last night, I am just out of it with no mood at all. I woke up at 1:30am in a heavy sweat. At first, I thought that it was just hot in our room, but then realized that I was having an insulin reaction. I got up and managed to check...my BG was 48 and I was really messed up. My wife, thank God, got up with me and helped me get something to eat. Within about 30 minutes, I felt a little better and went back to bed. Today, I feel really drained with no energy and I feel like I have been run over by a truck. I am wondering is others feel so drained on the day after a real low BG? --Will #: 98773 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 09:24:32 Sb: #98743-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 Well, time to shake that irrational guilt away! I gave up the guilt a long time ago. If anyone acts annoyed that I'm hampered by a low BG, when I tell them about it, I chew their heads off -- damned near literally. #: 98774 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 09:31:17 Sb: #98760-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: Will Ryan 71172,2033 (X) Will, Yup, that drained feeling is *very* familiar -- as well as "being-run-over-with-a-truck" feeling. I think that hg's have a lot to do with the chronic feeling of low energy that a lot of us develop after a while. #: 98777 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 09:47:27 Sb: #98773-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, I love it. I wonder, though, on a very serious level, if I had not been subject to mood swings and galloping blood sugars, would I be the same person I am today? I also wonder if the people who are annoyed by what happens when we shock out have the foggiest notion of what reality is? #: 98787 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 10:07:55 Sb: #98773-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, When I get *uptight* because of high BG's and start *yelling* and *screaming* it's as if *anything*, I mean even the slightest *touch*!, can set me off. Now after yelling and screaming and feeling so angry you think your head will explode, then try telling someone. "Oh, my glucose level was high/low sorry.". They will look at you and say, "Yeah, sure!", and that's only because, as I was saying before, this in an *invisible* disease to the public. It's *intangible* to them . *Belver* #: 98803 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 11:29:40 Sb: #98760-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Will Ryan 71172,2033 (X) All of that sounds familiar to me, Will. However, the "drained" feeling only last for a few hours these days, most of the time. I do have times when the whole next day is shot. Tell your wife that my wife understands. She now has a DM son, as well as a DM husband, and the poor lady is going to be gray before her time, I'm afraid. #: 98808 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 11:56:30 Sb: #98777-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) I am certain that I would still be tactful if I had not been DM for 20 years. Being tactful used to be my natural state. Now, it requires a concerted effort to be that way. I am inclined to call a spade a spade under almost all circumstances. Some people consider it an endearing frankness; others consider it unsufferable rudeness. As for reality, I believe this: few people have as good a sense as we of how fragile and transient is our grip on that steady state that most people call "reality". Reality is a fairly relative thing to me, as it probably is to you and many others here. #: 98809 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 11:56:35 Sb: #98787-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Belver Ladson 75230,2044 (X) I can identify with that feeling, Belver, as I'm sure many of our other members can. It's tough to get your apologies accepted, even when you *do* recognize what's going on, by someone who doesn't understand. #: 98814 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 12:52:09 Sb: #98808-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, I would like to get your second paragraph bronzed and mounted over my office door. You have hit a very important truth. #: 98831 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 14:52:09 Sb: #98808-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, The thing that bothers me more than the fragility of our sense of reality (heck, some of us muck about with that on purpose) is the fragility of the demon cages we keep down in the basement. #: 98841 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 15:42:24 Sb: #98831-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Tell us about those "demon cages", Tom, if it wouldn't be an intrusion. If it is, please just ignore this message. #: 98858 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 16:35:25 Sb: #98841-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 No intrusion at all, Ed. The phrase probably sounded more ominous than I meant it to be, but here goes. Personally, I have a very nasty temper, and under it all, I am pretty testy. A lot of the people I know on line don't believe that, in fact I have been accused of being so even-keeled that I am boring. I have worked long and hard to develop that even-tempered facade (for lack of a better word) since I was suspended from high school for physically attacking another person when I blew my cool over a minor infraction of my personal area of responsiblity. (He was ok, BTW -- he was twice my size -- I've never been a bully.) When I get very drunk, or extremely HG, all of that comes violently to the surface. Last time I got truly wasted, for example, I took on a Marine MP unit, and apparently held my own for a while -- I can't remember -- which is why I rarely drink alchohol anymore. The last month I was on insulin last year, I had some severe HG's. At one point, I walked into one of the offices and work and was on such a yo-yo of emotion that I was later told that I was one minute a blubbering puddle on the floor, and the next I was violently tossing boxes around. (I was also apparently under the belief that sales reps from Lilly and Novo where waiting outside the door, so I spent a great deal of time hiding.) These are the demons that I keep chained up, and I truly fear them getting out. This post has been much harder than I thought it would be. I hope I haven't left the impression that I am a *very* violent person -- my temper does have a fairly long fuse, and I am normally in control enough that I will usually leave a situation before I get to the point of blowing my stack. #: 98865 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 17:16:33 Sb: #98858-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Thanks for filling us in on that, Tom. How do you feel about these "demons"; do they scare you, embarrass you, etc.? Does their presence intimidate you from being as open and as relaxed as you would like to be? Anyone who has faced a temprorary aberration in behavior probably has some fear that it will surface again, as I do with depression (clinical in '71 and again in '81). In the short term, fear of the way we behave when hypoor hyperglycemic may intimidate a lot of us without our being fully aware of it. I believe that's the case, in fact, although I've only talked to one or two other diabetics about it. I did used to fear making a fool of myself when I was out of whack, either hyper or hypo. That fear is pretty much gone. But I think there is a residual feeling of resignation, that I'm going to do something or say something, sooner or later, that will embarrass me. Accepting it makes it easier, but I suspect it has had some negative effect on self-esteem that I'm not fully aware of. Thoughts, anyone? #: 98870 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 17:29:51 Sb: #98865-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Yep. Scare the crap out of me, and embarass me to no end. Their presence does indeed make me keep my guard up constantly, and that fear is what makes me real cautious about testing my BG's and worries me about having to go on meds again. It also makes me careful of sharing opinions and views a lot of times -- for fear that I will *really* put my foot in it and come across as an unfeeling clod. From my conversation with people in the forum and with diabetics that I meet, from time to time in person, I think you are right about this having an effect on self esteem. Not too many seem to be able to articulate it very well, but I think that what we are saying in this thread may ring some bells with some of the folks here. Anybody agree or disagree? #: 98878 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 17:48:59 Sb: #98865-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 For the record, Ed. Depression is a complication of diabetes. #: 98900 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 18:48:25 Sb: #98878-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) RE: depression a complication of diabetes Yeah, we've discussed this before, and there may be some connection in my case. But my first bout pre-dated my DX by two years. And my father and uncles all suffered depressions. I also fit some of the other profile characteristics for people who suffer from decade-periodic clinical depression. Thank God this decade seems to have passed me by, so far. #: 98906 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 19:14:06 Sb: #98900-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, Even Type I diabetics are believed to have the disease 2-8 years before it is diagnoseable. If Testoserone makes the differences it is purported to, I cannot believe that Insulin is a less important hormone. #: 98910 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 19:47:18 Sb: #98906-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) Could be. But, as I said, there are many other indicators in my case that I fit the profile for this classic kind of clinical depression. Thankfully there are better drug treatments for it now. If I ever feel it coming on again, I'm going *straight* for the drugs. No "counseling", no waiting it out -- it's far, far too painful. As the author of one book on the subject says, it's a "season in Hell". #: 98921 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 20:03:15 Sb: #98910-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 I have been there and understand, Ed. 'nuff said. #: 98942 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 02:44:07 Sb: #98236-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Andy Rinehold 70277,2333 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 (X) Linda, > Russian Roulette Yeah, with all the cylinders loaded! #: 99013 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 07:01:37 Sb: #98858-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Thomas, RE: accused of being so even-keeled that I am boring. Ahem. Who on earth would have said such a thing about you? Perhaps you're more patient with those that are patient with you? Linda #: 99056 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 09:38:01 Sb: #98743-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Bruce MacDougall 71545,1520 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) >"rule of 30's" That's interesting. Do you recall where you picked that up? #: 99069 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 10:12:34 Sb: #99056-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: Bruce MacDougall 71545,1520 I think it was in one of the 1960's articles I looked up to establish that reactions are a serious complication of diabetes. I don't have the cite handy. Sorry. #: 99081 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 11:14:34 Sb: #99013-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 re: More patient whith those that are patient with you. Right the first time! And with those I have to be patient with. #: 99112 S3/Friends & Family 20-Sep-92 17:22:50 Sb: #99013-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 Besides, Who needs to be patient with me? I'm the original sweetheart! #: 99168 S3/Friends & Family 21-Sep-92 06:16:01 Sb: #98803-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Will Ryan 71172,2033 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Thanks Ed. Fortunately for me, Susanna was grey before I knew her, so at least I can't have this impact on her. I have been trying to encourage her to get on to our forum, but so far no luck. Any suggestions? Susanna is very active on-line in other forums, just not ours. I typically print out messages that I think would be of interest to her. This is an OK process for now. --Will #: 99182 S3/Friends & Family 21-Sep-92 08:50:23 Sb: #99112-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Thomas, :RE Who needs to be patient with me... Wasn't it you I spoke to voice last week who said "Bestest, please be patient with me?" Then of course there's that woman in your office who keeps looking for evidence of smoking going on, and there's your wife Vicky, and then we've got David, and of course let's not forget every single driver in San Francisco...shall I go on "original sweetheart"? Linda #: 99183 S3/Friends & Family 21-Sep-92 08:50:30 Sb: #99168-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: Will Ryan 71172,2033 Will, I know you didn't ask me, but when has that ever stopped me from answering? Speaking from the standpoint of an SO, this isn't something you can push down her throat. You can tell her there are other SO's out there who would like to talk to her, in private group if she wishes, without you standing over her shoulder watching. Maybe she's just afraid to let you know "her" fears. At least Susanna is reading the messages you are printing out for her. At least Susanna is reading the messages you are printing out for her. At least she's getting her toes wet. That's alot more than many other SO's do. Linda #: 99185 S3/Friends & Family 21-Sep-92 08:52:41 Sb: #99168-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: Will Ryan 71172,2033 How is Susanna about COs, Will? The messages on the board may be a bit dry for her, but COs are never dry. #: 99338 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 02:59:42 Sb: #98661-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, Gee, sounds like a normal day ! It has been a long time since I've gotten the shakes. Not because they don't happen, just they seem to happen VERY LOW for me now. I have been to 45 with nothing more than the feeling that something was "wrong". The first "symptom" I ususally get is vision problems. Things seem to slow down and get dimmer. I have trouble tracking moving objects. I'm not really sure where "tired" falls into this whole picture because I get relatively little sleep and am frequently tired. So far, I have never blacked out. #: 99339 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 02:59:46 Sb: #98773-#Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, That is the RIGHT attitude! I will apologize if I do something dumb/dangerous, but I DO NOT feel guilty! #: 99386 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 08:58:08 Sb: #99338-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 You and I are among the lucky ones, regarding blacking out, based on the comments from many other members here. I think that would change my whole outlook on DM. Until my son was dx'd, I didn't feel any immediate danger from the disease. I imagine that those who black out certainly do. #: 99387 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 08:59:12 Sb: #99339-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 Agreed. No sense in feeling guilty about something that is beyond our reasonable control. Guilt is a horribly destructive emotion, anyway. #: 99452 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 16:37:12 Sb: #99338-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 To: SYSOP*Shawn Davidson 72210,170 Vision problems coming 'first' are a hallmark of human insulin, Shawn. #: 99495 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 19:00:49 Sb: #99387-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 (X) Ed, re: Apologies Linda and I have talked about this a lot, but in the event of future bad weather, I would like to offer the following on behalf of both Linda and myself. For the _______ (fill in type of bad weather today) that happened today, I offer my complete and abject apology. This was inexcusable weather was motivated by ________ (low BG/high BG/crappy attitude). I regret any pain that the weather has caused you and yours today. #: 99498 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 19:37:08 Sb: #99495-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 RE: weather apology Grin! Do you keep that on little 3 x 5 cards, ready to fill in and hand out as the need arises? #: 99511 S3/Friends & Family 23-Sep-92 21:46:43 Sb: #99498-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, Re: 3x5 Cards ready to fill in and hand out. Actually, I have it printed on the back of my business cards. #: 99543 S3/Friends & Family 24-Sep-92 12:21:05 Sb: #99495-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Yes, that certainly sizes up my guilt complex. I think that came about when I first met David and kept apologizing for everything. He asked me why I did that. I think my reply was something like "Me? Oh h***, I apologize for the weather for crissakes." I still do, and so do you. Linda #: 99544 S3/Friends & Family 24-Sep-92 12:21:15 Sb: #99498-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: SYSOP*Linda Wilk 73747,3144 To: SYSOP*Ed Huntress 76537,513 Ed, RE: Little 3x5 cards... GREAT idea! I'll have to go out and get some of the pretty colored ones for mine. It will sure save on using my voice so much :-) Thomas and I also have to come up with a general all purpose apology card. You know, "For whatever went wrong in your life today... LMW #: 99554 S3/Friends & Family 24-Sep-92 13:07:58 Sb: #99495-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: jim Beyer 73060,1544 To: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Tom, how about adding this to the signon bulletin? FWIW Jim #: 99643 S3/Friends & Family 24-Sep-92 18:27:27 Sb: #98814-Mood Swings by a new II Fm: Carol & Marc Oster 72070,3643 To: SYSOP*Dave Groves 76703,4223 (X) hear, hear. #: 98918 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 19:59:57 Sb: Mood Swings of a New II Fm: Judy Cline 76420,512 To: Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 Tom, I too have a terrible temper at times, although my anger is usually directed at myself. Just before I was diagnosed, when things were in an uproar at work because we were in the midst of remodeling and everything was just short of chaos, and I really wasn't feeling that hot, I really lost it at work. I was in a hurry to get to the bank and this stupid report just wouldn't print. I thought I finally had it right, but no, at 4:50, the darn thing was still a mess. When I discovered this on walking into the printer room, I picked up several empty boxes and literally threw them out the door! It was that or the printer itself, and it was a close call. Our secretary (whose area received the bombardment) slowly peeked around the corner and asked if I was okay. I said no, but not to worry, that the worst was over. I was really embarrassed by the whole incident, but it turns out she thought it was kind of funny, since it was so out of character for cool, calm, collected Judy! One thing they used to say in Alanon, that when you compare your insides to someone else's outsides, you come out the loser every time. You rarely get to see anyone else's insides, and I'm told some of them are a real mess. I know mine are at times! #: 98937 S3/Friends & Family 19-Sep-92 23:27:49 Sb: #98918-Mood Swings of a New II Fm: SYSOP*Tom Arthurs 76702,1653 To: Judy Cline 76420,512 (X) Oh, well. I didn't even touch on my anger at myself. I swear I am my own worst enemy. If someone else was that angry at me, I'd be scared! Being in the line of work I am (computers) I get struck by the perversity of the inanimate a lot. Sheesh, things were bad before when all we had to deal with was dumb cars with bad attitudes, but now we have machines that sort of think. This does not help one's temper one little bit.