Forum: Diabetes Date: Sun, Jun 2, 1996, 4:46:01 PM This is a rather shocking report. Results of a California-based study suggest that Hispanics and African-Americans have proportionately more diabetes-related amputations than their white counterparts. And African-Americans undergo more nondiabetes-related and more proximal amputations . Dr. Lawrence A. Lavery and associates at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio used the database of the Office of Statewide Planning and Development in California to identify all amputation procedures performed in the state during 1991. Amputation levels were categorized as thigh, leg, foot or toe, according to ICD-9-CM codes. Dr. Lavery says the higher rate of amputations in minorities and the excess incidence of amputations in blacks "needs to be examined more thoroughly." But he cautions that blacks with diabetes have a higher incidence of peripheral vascular disease than non-Hispanic whites and thus are more apt to be candidates for amputation. Diabetes Care 1996:19:48-51. -Bruce Beale, Heathrow, London, UK.